Link to PYPI package


pip3 install oneloop-python


from oneloop_client.client import OneloopApi

# Initialize the SDK client

oneloop_client = OneloopApi(token="your-oneloop-api-key")

Verify API Keys

When your user calls your endpoints and you need to verify their API Key then you use the following:

from oneloop_client.types import VerifyApiKeyResponse

# Verify the API key
verify_response: VerifyApiKeyResponse = None
    verify_response = oneloop_client.verify_api_key(
      key="<API_KEY>", # The Api Key that was generated for the user (either through the SDK or dashboard)
            "id": "balance_transfer", # The requested scope
            "representation": "balance_transfer",
            "read": False,
            "create": True, # Allow creation
            "update": False,
            "del": False
except Exception as e:
    error: ErrorResponse = json.loads(e.body)
    code = error['error']['code']
    message = error['error']['message']
    raise HTTPException(status_code=code, detail=message)

if verify_response and verify_response.status != "VALID":
    raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail=verify_response.status)